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Green Thumb Tips

Echter’s Plant Doctors are available during store hours seven days a week to answer
your gardening questions. For accurate diagnosis, it helps to bring in a sample.
Flower Gardens
Pansies planted this month will stay in bloom until the ground freezes. Mulch them for winter protection and these hardy pansies will be back in flower when the warm days of spring return. They are great companions for spring-flowering bulbs.
Plant frost-hardy plants like garden mums, asters, flowering kale, flowering cabbage, and pansies as you remove tender annuals from beds and borders. Mums are a great value for the spectacular show of color they provide.

Perennials & Roses
September is an excellent time for planting perennials. The temperatures are cooling down and the soil is
still warm which allows rooting to take place.
Plant perennials at the same time you plant bulbs. You’ll be able to place perennial plants between your
bulb groupings for color from spring to fall.
Divide peonies and daylilies this time of year. Stop in for a care sheet for instructions for both of these beautiful perennials.
Remove any foliage with fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and rust. Discard in the trash. Cleaning
up now will help prevent a recurrence of the problem next year.

Lawns grow best in spring and fall. They will benefit greatly from two more feedings. Fertilize your lawn with Green Thumb Lawn Fertilizer by mid September. Green Thumb Winterizer should be applied in mid October. Your lawn will be nice and green in the spring.

Bindweed, dandelion, and other perennial weeds will be moving food reserves down to their roots now.
This is a great time to use Weed Free Zone to kill these invasive weeds, roots and all.
September is an excellent time to seed your lawn. Cooler temperatures mean less stress on you
and your lawn.

Trees & Shrubs
September is a great time to plant trees, shrubs, and vines. The soil is still warm and good for root development and to get the plant established. Water in well and cover with mulch to retain moisture.
Be sure to pay extra attention to the watering needs throughout the fall and winter months.

void excessive pruning of trees and shrubs, because pruning encourages new growth to begin and you want the plants to harden off before going into dormancy for the winter.
If you had insect problems on your trees and shrubs, whether they be aphids or borers, an application of Ferti-lome Tree and Shrub Systemic Insect Drench, a systemic insecticide that will greatly reduce their population. Apply this fall and your plants will be protected for a whole year.
You can reduce the amount of bruising and damage to apples and other fruit by using a long-handled fruit picker to reach the highest branches of fruit trees.

Vegetable Gardens
Harvest potatoes when the foliage browns. It is better to harvest potatoes when the soil is fairly dry,
using a pitchfork or spading fork to gently loosen the soil around them. Let the tubers dry for a few hours
in a warm place, but out of the direct sun.

Winter squash, such as acorn, spaghetti, buttercup, butternut, and Hubbard are ready to harvest when
you cannot puncture the skin with your thumbnail and the stems are dry and begin to shrivel.

Gently turn pumpkins and gourds to prevent soft spots. Place three or four inches of straw under your pumpkins to prevent damage to the bottoms.
When onion tops start to yellow, bend them over to divert the plant’s energy to the bulb. After the tops turn brown, lift the onions from the soil and let them dry in the sun. Once the skins are dry, cut the stems and store the onions in a cool, dry place.
Spray or pull up all weeds before they go to seed. This will save a lot of time and aggravation next spring.

Indoor Plants
Check your foliage plants carefully for insects before you bring them back indoors.

Feathered Friends
Continue to supply your hummingbird feeders for the fall migration show.


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